Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Just call me "The Grinch" and a "Bah Humbug" to you

Is it possible to be sick of Christmas already....I feel like the build up started back in July when I received my first Studio Christmas catalogue and one of my good friends started counting down in days.

Don't get me wrong I love the time of year its truly my favourite, apart from springtime blossom or long hot summer days anyway you get my drift. Its just that as I am getting older the time is flying by at warp speed anyway and having all the marketeers trying to rush through to the next big thing is just making it worse. The kids birthdays are in October and they barely get through to the end of the day before they are asking for some toy been advertised on CartoonNetwork for Christmas.

When I was little, the summer holidays finished it was harvest festival time, something the school made us sing alot about and I never really understood it. Then came Guy Fawkes, November the 5th. Fireworks night was massive in the calendar, every year the school made us do some kind of project on Mr Fawkes history. I was consumed with worry as to what my guy was going to be stuffed with and whose clothes I could "borrow" to make it with. Christmas was a distant event in the far future and there were much more immediate and pressing concerns to think about, like how many pairs of gloves to be worn on the NIGHT and should I stay at home or go to a display. The advertisers seem to have knocked the wind out of these events consuming our minds with the 25th of December. Even poor Halloween making a brave attempted to bring Autumn back its own festivals is struggling against the onslaught of the mighty Christmas promotions.

So this year, I'm going to try and not mention the C word until at least the last week November and we are going to enjoy our Halloween party and our local town fireworks display, Christmas can just get back into its proper Winter place.


  1. I take it from this post, you haven’t even started planning your New Year’s Eve party yet?
    The enigmatic, masked blogger

  2. Really am I that transparent? lol

  3. Totally agree with you - though I must admit that I've slipped a couple of stocking fillers in teh shopping trolley already...sorry!

  4. I'm with you. We have loads of family birthdays in Novemeber so can't cope any other way!

  5. We've always tried to punctuate the year with family do's and special days. We too have family birthdays throughout October and November and like to enjoy these before thinking of Christmas. But we have been inundated with Christmas merchandise since September. Halloween and Bonfire Night are lost. It's a shame...we're all rushed towards the end of the year. Never mind...by January we will be inundated with Summer Holiday ads and Creme Eggs!!


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