Thursday, 25 February 2010

Leaking Nappies and Alarm Clocks

Well last nights sleep can be put in to the almost non existent catergory. Started off with good intentions bed by 9.30pm tele off and book down. Do you think I could drift off, oh no and in my efforts to get to sleep I had to start talking to hubbie. It had been a hard but fruitful and fulfilling day and I was still buzzing with the excitement of it. No I hadn't jumped out of an aeroplane or climbed a mountain, I had learnt a new process on the computer...!!! Yes I really am that sad. Anyway so by 11.05pm having had nearly an hour and a half of my enthusiastic jabbering hubbie decides he quiet fancies some icecream. I am up and out of bed like a shot oh yes icecream seems like a good idea and what about egg on toast aswell. For goodness sake I was suppose to be going to sleep...!! Anyway go downstairs and casually mention "I wonder if we could book a grocery delivery for tomorrow now" yes my life is all about those daring plans and decisions...Cue laptop and Tescos website sitting in front of me...Dare I check when the next available slot is, could I really get all my much needed shopping tomorrow when it was 11pm already today. ??? OMG !! delivery between 10-12pm was free, I clicked on it and booked it without a seconds thought. Right, now I have a delivery coming I suppose I had better order some groceries, soft subtle groan escapes hubbies mouth, "I only wanted some icecream now we're going shopping". Spend the next hour going through next weeks dinner plans and the buy one get one free offers spend £145 on goodness knows what and feel quietly satisfied that technology is the most wonderful thing on the planet..Drag my eyes off the computer screen to find hubbie slumped over his now empty bowl of icecream gently snoring. Ok time for bed for real this time. Manage to drag us both back to bed to be woken about an hour later by the baby...He has leaked everywhere, great !! when did he suddenly grow out of size 5 nappies he is only the height of a 30cm ruler what the hell is going on. I think pampers should have a refund policy that if baby grows out of a size mid pack you can take the remainder back and swap them for the larger size. What I am going to do with half a pack of nappies that are too small for him now ??. Get him changed and comfy put him in bed with us and approximately 30 seconds later the alarm goes off..He wakes and so do I....Just try to roll over and go back to sleep...HAH not happening but everytime the alarms goes off again I have the sense of defiance that I shall not heed its nagging call and I'll stay in the 5th time I give up and that is why I am blogging at 7.30am this morning having already been up for and hour and half and only having had 5 hours sleep...I am sure I will make it through the day somehow :-( !!


  1. Wow what an epic night! I'm amazed you sound so lucid after that...

  2. Last night was worse now baby is poorly too and I can't put him down :-(


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